Objavljena so priporočila s konference New ERA Presidency Conference – Towards a responsible knowledge driven society of the 3rd Millennium (Brdo, 26.-27. 10. 2021) – na https://era-si.eu/news/26/conference-summary-report-and-recommendations.html

new ERA – LATEST NEWS | Conference summary report and recommendations Conference summary report and recommendations. Published: 23. November 2021. The New ERA Conference is bringing you a summary of a large amount of ideas discussed at the conference by the policy officials, researchers, funders, research performing organizations and industry in the form of recommendations.era-si.eu

Dokument vsebuje tudi priporočila glede spremembe vrednotenja raziskovalne dejavnosti in Evropskega oblaka odprte znanosti (EOSC).

Iz Concluding remarks na strani 33:

“The report will inform the ministers’ lunch debate at the Competitiveness Council on 26. November 2021, where it will be included as an Annex to a discussion paper prepared by the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The discussion paper itself summarizes the content of this report and presents three sets of recommendation per breakout session topic that were chosen in close cooperation between the Slovenian Presidency and the breakout session rapporteurs and moderators.

Furthermore, the report will be presented to the European Commission’s policy expert group, the ERA Forum, which considers the implementation of the new ERA, to aid their implementation of the Pact for R&I and the further development of the ERA Policy Agenda Actions.
